White Horse Housing Association Ltd
New Emergency repairs out of hours call:07964 034354

How to deal with Repairs

Reporting a repair

If you have a repair you should report it to the Association by telephoning the office on 01380 850916. If you have an emergency out of office hours or when the office is unattended you can telephone our contractor directly on 07964 034354. (See emergency contact nunber.).

You will need to identify yourself as a tenant of White Horse Housing Association. This service is only for emergencies and all other repairs should be reported to the office in the usual way.

You will receive a copy of the order placed, which will include an appointment date for the repair. In some cases the contractor will contact you direct to make arrangements to carry out the work.

Day to day response times for repairs

We use two categories of repair Priority 1 or Priority 2 with our maintenance contractor, 3 Solutions.

Variances can and will be made depending on circumstances, age and type of tenant, safety, security or emergency criteria etc. Specific appointments will be made for all repairs wherever possible. However, this may not apply where an inspection is required first.

The Association will give the following priorities to repairs:

Priority 1 Emergency repairs

These can be defined as any repair which puts the health, safety or security of the tenant or a third party at immediate risk or which affects the structure of the building adversely.  Emergencies will be responded to within 4 hours of the defect being reported.  Any 'essential' follow up work to be completed within 24 hours, or where specific parts are required, by appointment.

Examples of emergency repairs include:

  • total loss of heating or hot water between November 1st and March 31st
  • gas leak - this may require a call to the Gas Emergency number
  • major water leak that leaks into your home
  • blocked main drain, soil pipe or sole WC
  • total loss of electricity supply that is NOT a power cut
  • breaches of security to the ground floor windows or entrance doors
  • unable to gain access to your home (lost keys will be recharged)
  • bad fire, flooding or storm damage
  • dangerous electrical fault or unsafe electrical fitting

Note: Where the tenant falsely reports a repair that requires a Priority 1 response the Association may seek to recharge the tenant the cost of the 'call-out' charge, unless exceptional circumstances exist.

Priority 2  Routine repairs

These are all other repairs which fall outside of the 'emergency' category above.

All Priority 2 repairs will be completed at a mutually agreed appointment with the tenant.

Tenants will be offered a choice of appointment dates and can then choose either a morning or afternoon slot or, where they have young children, a 'school run' slot between the hours of 9.30am and 2.30pm.

The appointment will be made by either White Horse Housing staff when the repair is first reported, or directly with the contractor.

All Priority 2 repairs must be completed within 20 working days, unless the tenant specifically request an appointment date outside of this timescale.

Examples of routine repairs include:

  • Total loss of heating or hot water between April 1st and October 31st
  • Partial loss of water - for example no water to the bathroom
  • Loss of electrical power or lighting to one whole floor
  • Leak from heating or hot water system
  • Offensive or racist graffiti
  • Blocked sinks, baths, basins or toilet if there is more than one toilet
  • Urgent repairs to joinery such as stair treads, hand rails
  • Serious hazards that could cause trips or falls internally or externally
  • Faulty taps, toilet cisterns or overflows running
  • Minor plumbing leaks including dripping taps, overflows etc.
  • Hot water or heating breakdown Economy 7
  • Minor electrical faults such as loss of power to 1 room or fitting
  • Minor roof leaks
  • Door or window lock faults where there is no loss of security
  • Repairs to doors, windows and floors, general joinery
  • Repairs to plaster or tiling
  • Repairs to kitchen fittings
  • External repairs of all kinds that do not pose a risk
  • Easing of doors and windows, draught proofing
  • Faults to extractor fans
  • Repairs to dripping taps or showers
  • Non security glazing
  • Repairs to rainwater goods, block gutters and downpipes
  • Repairs to external drains
  • Repairs to fencing or gates
  • Heating faults that do not effect supply
  • Hot water faults that do not effect suppy
  • Assessment of condensation or dampness and treatment of black mould
  • Security of internal doors or repairs to window furniture
  • Non racist or non-offensive graffiti
  • Repairs to external walls, fences and paths
  • Masonry or roof tile repairs
  • Other routine day-to-day repairs that are not urgent

Note: Where a tenant fails to be available for their appointment on two separate occasions, (without good reason), the Association may consider charging the tenant a fee equivalent to the cost to the contractor of attending the property.

The following items are not considered to be the landlord's responsibility and tenants will be required to arrange for these to be carried out at their own expense. The Association will not not normally undertake this work.

  • Chimney sweeping (except in Kilmersdon)
  • Replacement locks where keys have been lost
  • Repair of inoperative doorbells
  • Replacement of lightbulbs and fluorescent tubes
  • Vermin or pest control
  • Repairs to structures, fixtures and fittings installed by the tenant
  • Glazing repairs where broken from inside or by damage

Right To Repair

Under the terms of your tenancy agreement, you have the Right to Repair and the Association has certain obligations to carry out repairs within a set timescale.

In some circumstances, if the Association fails in its duty to attend to a Priority 1 emergency repair or a Priority 2 routine repair within the specified time, and after a further request from the tenant again fails to complete the work within a second specified period, you may be entitled to compensation from the Association.

This will only apply to repairs which cost no more than £250.

Compensation will be £10, plus £2 per day (up to a maximum of £50) for every day the repair remains outstanding at the end of the second period. Compensation would be subject to the tenant having no outstanding rent arrears.

The Right to Repair will not apply if you have failed to provide access.

Please note, it is acceptable for the Association to carry out temporary repairs within the set time limit and return later to complete the work.



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Copyright © 2025 White Horse Housing Association Ltd  |  All Rights Reserved
White Horse Housing Association Ltd
Lowbourne House
Lowbourne Road
SN12 7DZ

Telephone: 01380 850916
Email: info@whitehorsehousing.co.uk