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Parish Councils and Landowners

We are always interested in exploring the possibility of providing high quality affordable homes for local people.  Any Landowner or Parish Councillor who wishes to discuss a possible development should telephone: Steve Warran, Chief Executive of White Horse Housing Association.

Telephone: 01380 850916 or Email: steve.warran@whitehorsehousing.co.uk

The development process in brief

The Parish Council in association with White Horse Housing Association undertakes a House Needs Survey to ascertain the level of need.
 Survey results are analysed and a decision reached as to the number and type of houses needed.
 A Site is found.
 Architects/Employers' Agent/Contractor appointed - The Partnering Team.
 Planning application submitted.
 Planning approval obtained.
 Site purchased.
 Grant funding applied for.
 Building work commences.
Tenants are selected.
Tenants move in.

The Rural Housing Alliance has produced a step by step guide for Parish Councillors on providing affordable housing in rural areas.  It will give you all the information you need to know on how the process works, what is allowed and what is not and the long term benefits to your community.  Click here to download a copy of the guide.

building and managing homes in villages throughout Wiltshire, Swindon and surrounding areas
Copyright © 2025 White Horse Housing Association Ltd  |  All Rights Reserved
White Horse Housing Association Ltd
Lowbourne House
Lowbourne Road
SN12 7DZ

Telephone: 01380 850916
Email: info@whitehorsehousing.co.uk