How to make a complaint
We are sorry when things go wrong and we want to hear from you if you are unhappy with us in any way. We take all complaints seriously and record a learning outcome from every complaint – and compliment – made to White Horse Housing, to help us improve our services.
What is a complaint?
A complaint can be made when:
- You believe there has been a failure to provide a service or to achieve the standards of service we have promised
- You believe there has been a failure to fulfil our legal or contractual obligations
- You believe there has been a failure to follow a published policy
- You believe there has been unfair treatment of staff
- You believe there has been an unacceptable delay or failure to respond to an enquiry or request
- There is dissatisfaction with a decision or the way that it was made
- There is dissatisfaction with the attitude of staff, contractors or agents
A complaint cannot be made when it is:
- An issue with another customer of WHHA, or a third party
- An issue that occurred more than 12 months ago
- A report of anti-social behaviour
- An initial request for a service
- An issue that forms part of legal action being taken by or against WHHA
- An issue that forms part of an existing insurance claim made again WHHA
- An issue regarding an external policy or legal matter which is outside of WHHA’s control
NB: This is not an exhaustive list and is only provided as a guide to what may not be considered a complaint
Who can make a complaint?
Anyone who has any reason to come into contact with the business or services of WHHA, whether they are a tenant, leaseholder, managing agent, statutory organisation, contractor, private individual or a representative of any of these parties may log a formal complaint.
We will provide help where necessary to anyone with particular needs or vulnerabilities that might affect their ability to access the complaints process. This includes face to face meetings, access to support services and working with advocates or designated persons to receive the complaint.
Group complaints
WHHA will accept complaints brought to us by a group of residents from the same residential area. The same complaint procedure will be applied to a group complaint as an individual complaint. The only difference is that the group will be asked to nominate a lead complainant we can liaise directly with. They will also be asked to co-ordinate any questions from the group. We, in turn, will send all correspondence to the lead complainant and provide copies for the remaining group members.
We will accept petitions and evaluate them as a complaint or a service review. If the petition is logged as a complaint it will be processed as a group complaint. If the petition is logged as a service review we will carry out a full consultation.
Our complaints process
It is in our interests to ensure that complaints are resolved promptly, politely and fairly. Our full complaints policy is available to download below and gives further information, as well as setting out the strict timeframe that must be met regarding the complaint.
Stage one
Your complaint can be made either by:
Phone: To the Operations Director on 01380 850916
In writing to: Operations Director, White Horse Housing Association, Lowbourne House, Lowbourne Road, Melksham SN12 7DZ
By email to:
Your complaint should be made within 20 working days of the incident. The Operations Director will reply within ten working days of receiving your complaint.
Stage two
If you feel the reply your receive to your complaint does not resolve it, you can request it is escalated to Stage two by writing to the Chief Executive at the address above.
You must do this within 20 working days from the date in the reply, asking for further consideration to be given to your complaint. The Chief Executive will reply within 20 working days of receiving the complaint unless this not reasonably practicable.
A complaint will be closed 28 days following our response or earlier if you have confirmed you are satisfied with the outcome.
What to do if you are still not satisfied
You can ask the Housing Ombudsman to review your complaint. When a case is accepted by the Ombudsman we and you will both be informed by its Complaints Team. Acceptance of a case through Ombudsman will not prevent case managers continuing to seek to resolve the complaint wherever possible.
Find out about making a complaint to the Housing Ombudsman via an online form here.
Or write to: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 152, Liverpool L33 7WQ
Call: 0300 1113000
NB: If you are not applying for housing with us, or are not paying for a service from us, you do not have the right to appeal to the Housing Ombudsman.
Make Things Right
There is more information about your rights and when and how to make a complaint, including a video and links to other agencies that may be able to help you, on the government’s Make Things Right page here.
Further reading
Annual Complaints Report 2023/24
Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code: Self-assessment form 2023/24
We like compliments too. Telling us about the things we’ve done right, or where we’ve gone above and beyond, helps us to improve our service just as much as when you feel we’ve not delivered. You can contact us just the same way as you would to make a complaint.
White Horse Housing chooses to value complaints, to learn from them and use them to improve our services.